Youth Rangers of the Fen - habitat management

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Age 11-17? Join the Fens Youth Rangers to learn practical conservation skills for free. This month - habitat management in PeterboroughDetailed description
Join us for another fantastic session of learning real, practical conservation skills from industry professionals and making a positive impact for wildlife. You do not need any experience to attend. This month we'll be joining the Wildlife Trust's West Cambs Reserves team to assist with practical habitat management. Exact tasks and Peterborough location TBC. Previous activities have included planting willow, wildlife surveys, coppicing trees, clearing scrub, digging ditches, litter picking and more. Refreshments provided (hot drink and biscuits).
Youth Rangers is a group for secondary-aged young people (11-17 years) keen to make a positive difference to their local environment. We meet throughout the year at various Cambridgeshire nature reserves and would love to welcome you to our group.
Please note:
Bookings are not confirmed until we have received your completed paperwork and consent form (for each child).
Please bring water and dress appropriately for the weather - Layers and waterproofs if needed. Long sleeves and trousers recommended. Please wear sensible boots or wellies.