Social Befriender
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CamSight’s Befriending Service aims to improve wellbeing, reduce isolation and loneliness by providing companionship and a sense of connection.Detailed description
About Befriending
Living with sight loss can have a significant impact on people’s lives especially if they live alone. CamSight’s Befriending Service aims to improve wellbeing and reduce isolation and loneliness by providing companionship, emotional support, and a sense of connection to the outside world.
Our Social Befrienders visit people at home and/or support them to access local community facilities.
Main tasks
· Provide a regular social visit to your Befriendee’s home or outing in the local community or occasional phone call.
· Offer companionship and empowerment to the person you are matched with, delivering a positive experience of befriending.
· Respect and work collaboratively with those you have been matched with, building a relationship of support and trust.
· Liaise with Volunteer Coordinator when needed, participate in check-in meetings and claim expenses promptly.
· Adhere to boundaries and the limitations of the role, acknowledging when staff involvement is required.
· Uphold CamSight’s core principles, vision and values, abiding by policies and procedures covered in induction training and volunteer handbook.
Desirable Qualities
· A commitment to attending regularly.
· A caring and understanding nature and a positive and motivated attitude.
· A confident communicator who enjoys social interaction opportunities.
· Good time keeping.
· Befriendees may be supported by a Guide Dog.
· Complete and submit an expression of interest form.
· We will phone you for a chat and invite you to meet with us in person, if both parties are happy to progress.
· We will obtain two references and complete a DBS check prior to you commencing with us.
· We will arrange for you to attend a CamSight induction training session.
· We will arrange for you to be introduced to the person you have been matched with.
Induction Training
· You will receive information about CamSight services and the structure of the organisation.
· You will be given a volunteer handbook and information about policies specific to volunteering.
· We will teach you guiding techniques in line with current good practice.
· We will cover our Safeguarding Adults Policy, GPDR and our Confidentiality Policy. Further optional online training opportunities will be explained.
· You will be asked if you would like to receive our volunteer e-newsletter.
Benefits of volunteering for CamSight
· The opportunity to belong to a community of supportive and friendly people, who are committed to enhancing quality of life.
· A sense of satisfaction from helping others to connect socially.
· Experience for inclusion on CV’s and a reference after 6 months service, if requested.
· Greater understanding of sight loss and eye conditions.
· Expenses incurred will be reimbursed.
· Options to explore other volunteering opportunities within CamSight.
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra supportAbout CamSight
Our vision
A world of equality, in which people of all ages who are blind or have low vision achieve the possibilities they choose in life.
Our values
At CamSight, we strive for a world of equality, in which people of all ages who have low vision and blindness achieve the possibilities they choose in life.
In this mission, we aim to uphold the following values in all that we do:
o Person-centred
Our beneficiaries are at the heart of everything we do. We see individuals as whole people, not defined by one element of their lives. Our work is holistic in approach. All are welcome at CamSight.
o Empowering
We enable everyone to be able to reach their full potential. We provide the tools, information, and advice to allow people to live the lives they choose. We do not prescribe or dictate terms; we empower decision and action. We invest in our staff and volunteers to meet their aspirations and those of CamSight.
o Friendly
We are caring and empathetic to all we work with. We are a friendly voice at the end of a telephone call or a friendly face to chat with over a cup of tea. We are responsive in our communication and in our work. We create a positive, professional environment in which to work.
o Collaborative
We work well together and with others. We are flexible and adaptable in our approach, looking to build our partnerships and networks for the benefit of our beneficiaries.
o Accountable
We are accountable to each other and to our beneficiaries. We monitor and report our impact, our finances, our progress, and our plans in an open and honest way. We build trust through transparency. We welcome feedback and we work to improve.